Easily Steps to Change Facebook Password

Change Facebook Password

Always remember to change password of your facebook account even 4 time per year, In this article i will explain how to change facebook password in easily few steps with screenshots example. And i advice you to choose and create strong password which  including symbols, digits, uppercase alphabets, lowercase,  etc. When you have strong password it will not be easy for someone trying log in or hack your account.

Follow These Easily Steps to Change Facebook Password

1. Go to www.facebook.com and  log in to your account.
2. After log in, Go to your account settings by clicking on the small downward arrow at the top right, then click on "Settings".
3. You will find options on general account settings about your facebook account, then click on "security and login"
4. Then click on "Change password". Facebook will ask to enter your current and the new password. Enter those and click on "Save change". You are done!!.

Change Facebook Password

Conclusion: If this article is useful to Change Facebook Password, Make sure you share it through all social networks.
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Rashid Omar is the founder of 24/7 Tricks .He is an IT Student, SEO Expert, Web Designer and a Pro Blogger. Contact Him Here

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