How to Remove Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget

Remove Powered by Blogger Attribution 

Have you tried to remove this gadget "Powered by Blogger" but you failed? In this short article i will explain how to remove powered by blogger attribution. This gadget "Powered by Blogger" located at the footer of your blog. Just follow these step by step guide to remove Blogger attribution gadget.
Powered by Blogger

Steps to Remove Powered by Blogger Attribution

 1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard then Theme and then click on Edit HTML

Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget

2. Open the search box by Pressing CTRL + F then search for below code

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>

3. Replace true with false

4. Save your template.

5. Go to Layout and Click on edit link on attribution gadget and then click on REMOVE. You are done.

Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget

Conclusion: If this article is useful to Remove Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget , Make sure you share it through all social networks.
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Rashid Omar is the founder of 24/7 Tricks .He is an IT Student, SEO Expert, Web Designer and a Pro Blogger. Contact Him Here

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